Downregulation of tumor-suppressor gene LHX6 in cancer: a systematic review


Nathalia Evelyn1,Theardy Madelaine Skolastika1,Elvira Sharleen2,Rosellinny Graciella1,Liyanto Andrew Steven2,Utama Michael Putra2,Sumarpo Anton1


1. Department of Biomedicine, School of Life Sciences , Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences , Jakarta , Indonesia

2. Department of Biotechnology, School of Life Sciences, Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences , Jakarta , Indonesia


Abstract Introduction. LIM Homeobox 6 (LHX6) encodes a LIM homeodomain transcription factor, contributes to tissue development and morphogenesis, and is mostly expressed in medial ganglionic eminence and odontogenic mesenchyme. However, it has been reported to play a role in cancer progression. This narrative review summarizes literatures that emphasize the molecular regulation of LHX6 in tumorigenesis. Methods. In our systematic review, the PubMed database was used for the literature search using the combination of words that included “LHX6” and “cancer”. Relevant studies, including in vitro, in vivo experiments, and clinical studies, were analyzed in this review. Results. We found evidences that LHX6 might be important in the inhibition of tumor cell proliferation, growth, invasion, and metastasis through the suppression of Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway. Moreover, LHX6 is observed to be downregulated in certain types of cancer due to hypermethylation, thus hindering its tumor suppressing ability. In addition, hypermethylation can also be used to determine the stage of cancer development. Conclusion. The downregulation of LHX6 expression might be responsible in promoting cancer progression. Future studies are necessary to investigate the potential of LHX6 as a novel cancer biomarker as well as its therapeutic implications towards certain types of cancer.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH







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