Breast cancer association with oncogenic papillomaviruses: arguments pro and con


Volgareva G. M.1ORCID


1. N.N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology, Ministry of Health of Russia


Possible breast cancer (BC) association with oncogenic human papilloma viruses (HPV) remains subject for discussion. DNA of these viruses was found in numerous BC samples in predominant majority of researches into the problem, that being the main argument in favour of their involvement into genesis of the given tumor. The principal objection to the opinion is that the HPV genomes number per a single cancer cell in HPV-positive BC is several orders of magnitude inferior to the similar indicator for cervical cancer. Urgency of the issue of possible BC association with oncogenic HPVs increases under the development of effective preventive vaccines against HPV infection. To clarify this matter the data might help either confirming or disproving the oncogenic HPV genome activity in DNA HPV-positive BC.


Publishing House ABV Press


Cancer Research,Biochemistry (medical),Genetics (clinical),Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous)

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