Molecular mechanisms of colorectal cancer formation and their significance (literature review)


Navruzov S. N.1,Navruzov B. S.2,Rakhmonov S. T.1,Khakimov A. M.1,Kulmiev E. E.1,Choriev Kh. Kh.1,Alieva D. A.3


1. Surgical Clinic “Yangi Hayot”

2. Tashkent Medical Academy

3. Samarkand State Medical University


Colorectal cancer remains an urgent problem of oncological proctology and requires active efforts to study risk factors, mechanisms for the formulation and search for genetic components that play a key role in determining the prognosis of the disease. This article analyzes the molecular mechanisms of colorectal cancer formation, factors of transformation of adenoma formation, pathogenesis and molecular nature of CRC. Subtypes based on transcription signatures allow for better refinement and provide insight into the development of subtype-specific treatment methods, which, in turn, can contribute to more effective treatment of this disease.


Publishing House ABV Press

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