Correction of psychological trauma in combat participants using the art-therapeutic method of intuitive drawing


Sbitneva Olga1


1. Berkut mobile special purpose unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs


Unfavorable emotional states disrupt the optimal course of mental functions, form negative features and personality traits that are inadequate to social requirements. They worsen the effectiveness of actions, weaken physical and mental health. In the case when negative conditions are caused by extreme conditions of activity, the development of means of their prevention and regulation is of particular importance. The most significant is the activation of the trigger mechanism for rethinking important aspects of life and creating a positive emotional state for the formation of such mental states that, due to a special internal restructuring of the personality, will contribute to the most optimal use of all mental capabilities of the individual. The purpose of this study, based on theoretical and empirical study of the problem, as well as practical activities, is to determine the effectiveness of the art therapy method (intuitive drawing) in the system of correction of negative mental states of employees of special units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who participated in hostilities on the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic. The author adheres to the hypothesis that the method of intuitive drawing is effective in use as a method of correcting negative mental states. Allows you to explore the unconscious processes of personality and can contribute not only to the regulation of negative psycho-emotional states, but also relaxation.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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