Principles of constructing geometric models of nanoclusters along a tetrahedral line


Kononov P.1,Kononova I.2,Moroz O.1


1. Saint Petersburg Mining University

2. St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI"


In connection with the development of new methods of nanotechnology, the article discusses the features of the morphology of nanoobjects that determine the relevance of the modernization of the training of undergraduates in the study of the disciplines «Nanomaterial Science», «Nanotechnology», «Descriptive geometry, engineering and computer graphics» and «Computer modeling». Recently, the concept of «cluster» has become relevant due to the trend in the development of nanomaterials. Such nanomaterials obtained using unconventional growth mechanisms (including oriented attachment) are extremely interesting in the field of electronics, photonics and are of great interest for catalysis. The article considers homoatomic clusters constructed from identical structural units. The desire to minimize energy is expressed in the tendency to the densest arrangement of structural units in the cluster. This allows us to assert that cluster structures with the maximum number of connections per structural unit will be the most stable; that clusters tend to a quasi-spherical shape (i.e., cluster sizes along three Cartesian axes should be close if possible, while dense structures are formed, the surface of which is minimal, and the number of connections is maximum); that clusters with higher symmetry are preferable (identical structural units composing the cluster framework should strive to stay in an indistinguishable state and position from each other). The work applies the knowledge and skills laid down by students in the course of engineering and computer graphics to the study of the patterns of processes in the nanowire on the example of the principles of building nanoclusters along a tetrahedral line using three-dimensional modeling in the Autodesk 3ds Max environment. Visualization and visual representation of geometric images of nanoclusters will allow students to avoid a primitive geometric representation of nanoobjects and will serve as motivation to study other natural science subjects. The content of the article is intended for specialists working in the fields of nanotechnology, solid-state electronics, micro- and nanoelectronics, micro- and nanosystem technology, thin-film sensors.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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