Osteoarthritis and comorbidity: pathogenetic links


Fatenko A.1,Belyaeva Elena1


1. Tula State University


Secondary inflammatory processes, primarily synovitis, accompany the course of osteoarthritis, play a significant role in the formation of both clinical manifestations of the disease and further destruction of articular structures. In a patient with osteoarthritis over the age of 50, more than 5 diseases coexist simultaneously and there are practically no persons who do not have concomitant somatic diseases. Atherosclerosis refers to inflammatory diseases in which inflammation is associated with dyslipidemia and chronic immune dysregulation. It has been established that one of the main elements of atherothrombosis is an increase in the synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines. Common risk factors for primary osteoarthritis and cardiovascular diseases: age, overweight, heredity, metabolic disorders (high cholesterol, glucose tolerance, diabetes mellitus).


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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