
Tkachuk S. O.,Bashta G. V.,Martianova O. І.,Yaniv Yu. O.


Introduction. Coronary heart disease (CHD) and its complications in the modern world are one of the main causes of disability and mortality of people of different ages [1-3]. Fatty liver disease - steatohepatosis - is an important factor in the development and progression of CAD and increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. On the other hand, information on cardiac dysfunction in patients with coronary heart disease with manifestations of steatohepatosis is insufficient and contradictory, the diagnosis, clinical features and treatment of this pathology are not accurate enough. The aim of the study. Determination of the correlations of the studied indicators in patients with coronary artery disease complicated by fatty liver disease. Research methods. Fatty infiltration of the liver was diagnosed using ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (EUB-6000 scanner; Hitachi Medical Corporation, Japan). The content of NT-proBNP was determined on StatFax-303, the activity of enzymes and indicators of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism were determined using the CRPLX "Roche Diagnostics" reagent set on the COBAS INTEGRA 400 plus automatic analyzer. In order to identify correlations, the coefficient of linear correlation |r| was determined between all studied indicators. The strength of the relationship was estimated by the absolute value of the Pearson linear correlation coefficient, considering that at r <0.25 the relationship is weak, 0.25 <r< 0.75 - a relationship of medium strength, r ˃ 0.75 - correlation the bond is strong. We used the STATISTICA 6.0 software package (StatSoft, USA) [8]. Results and discussion. Strong probable positive correlations were found between glucose concentration and the content of triacylglycans, glycated hemoglobin, atherogenicity coefficient, and lipase activity. Strong probable positive correlations were found between the activity of pancreatic amylase and the concentration of creatinine, C-reactive protein, interleukin 1β, NT-proBNP, and ALT activity. Strong probable positive correlations were found between the concentration of NT-proBNP and the content of uric acid, glucose, C-reactive protein, apoprotein A, interleukin 10, LDH activity, and alkaline phosphatase. Strong probable positive correlations were found between the concentration of creatinine and the content of total cholesterol, the content of HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and lipase activity. Strong probable positive correlations were found between the concentration of total cholesterol and the content of HDL-cholesterol, creatinine, and lipase activit Conclusions. Steatohepatosis is a factor in the development and progression of coronary heart disease and probably increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. In the group of patients with steatohepatosis, reliable strong correlation links of carbohydrate metabolism with other parameters were revealed. In the group of patients with on the background of steatohepatosis, significant strong correlation of the level of NT-proBNP, cholesterol and creatinine with other parameters was found.

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