Implementation of the European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) and European Society of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Nurses and Associates (ESGENA) sedation training course in a regular endoscopy unit


Manno Mauro1,Deiana Simona1,Gabbani Tommaso1,Gazzi Matteo2,Pignatti Alessandro2,Becchi Enrica2,Ottaviani Laura1,Vavassori Sara1,Sacchi Elis2,Hassan Cesare3,Soriani Paola1


1. Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy Unit, Azienda USL Modena, Carpi, Italy

2. Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Unit, Azienda USL Modena, Carpi, Italy

3. Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Unit, Nuovo Ospedale Regina Margerita, Rome, Italy


Abstract Background Several scientific societies have endorsed non-anesthesiologist sedation (NAS) during gastrointestinal endoscopy, considering it a safe procedure when administered by adequately trained personnel. This study aimed to evaluate the occurrence of adverse events after implementation of the European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) and European Society of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Nurses and Associates (ESGENA) sedation training program. Methods From January 2017 to August 2018, data from all consecutive endoscopic procedures in adults (≥ 18 years) performed at our endoscopy unit were collected using an electronic reporting system. Results All staff (physicians and nurses) completed the ESGE-ESGENA sedation course. In total, 12 132 patients underwent endoscopic procedures, 10 755 (88.6 %) of which were performed in a non-anesthesiological setting. Of these, about 20 % used moderate sedation with midazolam + fentanyl and 80 % used deep sedation with additional propofol. No sentinel, 5 (0.05 %) moderate risk, and 18 (0.17 %) minor risk adverse events occurred, all during moderate or deep sedation, and all managed by endoscopy staff without the need for anesthesiologist assistance. Conclusions After completing the ESGE-ESGENA sedation training program, the rate of adverse events was very low in our institution. The findings support implementation of the program in all digestive endoscopy units and inclusion in the curriculum for physicians and nurses to ensure safe endoscopic procedures.


Georg Thieme Verlag KG









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