Young Adult Motor, Sensory, and Cognitive Outcomes and Longitudinal Development after Very and Extremely Preterm Birth


Vollmer Brigitte123ORCID,Stålnacke Johanna4


1. Clinical Neurosciences, Clinical and Experimental Sciences, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom

2. Neonatal and Paediatric Neurology, Southampton Children's Hospital, Southampton, United Kingdom

3. Department of Women's and Children's Health, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

4. Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden


AbstractIn this narrative review, we report on adult outcomes after very (before 32 weeks of gestation [wGA]) and extremely (before 28 wGA) preterm birth, with a focus on neuromotor function, neurosensory impairment, general cognitive abilities, executive function, and attentional abilities, all of which are important for academic progress, peer relationships, and participation. Longitudinal development from childhood to adulthood is described. Preterm born individuals have a higher risk for impairment of general cognitive abilities, executive function, attention, and neuromotor abilities well into adulthood, with, however, considerable variability in outcomes. Differences between individuals born preterm and their term born peers persist. Long-term outcomes of general cognitive ability can be predicted with some degree of certainty from childhood assessments: those who perform poor on early childhood age assessments very likely will not catch up, whereas those who perform within the normal range on early assessments sometimes accelerate their development relative to term born peers. This appears similar for executive function and attention, although data on trajectories for these functions are somewhat inconsistent. In adulthood, some studies describe poorer educational outcomes, employment, independent living, and/or economic situation compared with term born individuals; however, large proportion of those born preterm report similar self-perceived quality of life.


Georg Thieme Verlag KG


Clinical Neurology,General Medicine,Pediatrics, Perinatology, and Child Health







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