Successful treatment of coagulation disorders and hypoalbuminaemia in a puppy with Infectious Canine Hepatitis


Polovitzer Julia1,Guija-De-Arespacochaga Abigail2,Auer Angelika3,Künzel Frank1


1. Department for Companion Animals and Horses, Small Animal Clinic, Internal Medicine, University of Veterinary Medicine

2. Department of Pathobiology, Clinical Pathology Platform, University of Veterinary Medicine

3. Department of Pathobiology, Institute of Virology, University of Veterinary Medicine


AbstractDue to high vaccination coverage of the dog population in Western and Middle Europe, veterinarians are usually not familiar with clinical signs and treatment of Infectious Canine Hepatitis (ICH). This case report describes a 4-month-old female mixed breed dog that was imported from Bulgaria. According to the history, the puppy was presented with lethargy, pyrexia, icterus and melaena. On clinical examination, the dog additionally exhibited a painful abdomen and bleeding tendency at the venous puncture sites. Blood analysis revealed anaemia, left shift without leucocytosis, increased liver enzymes and prolonged coagulation times. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and subsequently sequence analysis performed out of urine confirmed Canine Adenovirus 1 (CAV-1) as the causative agent of the disease. Peripheral oedema developed on the dog´s head and limbs during the progression of the disease due to severe hypoalbuminaemia. Initial treatment of the puppy included transfusion of whole blood and fresh frozen plasma. Hypoalbuminaemia was treated by transfusion using human albumin. On day eight after starting the treatment, the dog was released from the hospital due to an unremarkable clinically condition. This case report indicates that ICH might become a re-emerging disease by means of rising dog imports. Especially, the severe form of ICH can be associated with several life-threatening complications that require hospitalisation and intensive care treatment.


Georg Thieme Verlag KG


Small Animals

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