The holistic management of malignant bowel obstruction in women with advanced ovarian cancer at end of life


Gaughan Sarah1,Williams Mary2


1. Macmillan Lung and Rarer Clinical Nurse Specialist and Team Lead, Buckinghamshire Hospitals NHS Trust: Aylesbury

2. Senior Lecturer in Cancer, Palliative and End of Life Care, Buckinghamshire New University, High Wycombe


Bowel obstruction is commonly a pre-terminal event in women with advanced ovarian cancer. Management of symptoms will often be the focus rather than surgical intervention. Determining the patient's end-of-life wishes is paramount − because the prognosis for these patients can be short, advanced care planning is key. This case study will explore the management of nausea and vomiting associated with malignant bowel obstruction and demonstrate how a patient's psychological and social wellbeing is as important as managing the physical symptoms. It will discuss how skilled and effective communication is vital early in the disease trajectory in ensuring the patient's needs are met. Additionally, by undertaking a thorough holistic needs assessment, all aspects of end-of-life care can be discussed with the patient and family, which may enable the achievement of a preferred place of care and a peaceful, dignified death. Multidisciplinary working and co-ordination of care may allow for quick interventions, meeting individual needs and symptoms being managed more effectively.


Mark Allen Group


General Nursing







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