Stakeholder perceptions of curriculum design, development and delivery for continuing e-learning for nurses


Connolly Michael1,Browne Freda2,Regan Geraldine3,Ryder Mary4


1. Joint Associate Professor of Clinical Nursing, UCD School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems and Our lady's Hospice and Care Services

2. Nurse Tutor, St Vincent's University Hospital, Dublin

3. Director of Nursing, St Vincent's University Hospital, Dublin

4. Director of Nurse Education and Practice Development, St Vincent's University Hospital, Dublin


Background: This paper reports the qualitative findings from stage 5 of an action research project which involved the redesign of continuing professional education (CPE) courses in one organisation. Aim: The aim of this study was to explore key stakeholders perceptions of the teaching, learning and outcomes of a new curriculum design for CPE involving e-learning. Method: This project used participatory action research, involving stakeholders as participants in a process of inquiry about the change. The study took place in an academic teaching hospital and consisted of three focus group interviews with a total of 20 nurses. Participants included stakeholders who had developed curricula and managers from clinical areas where CPE courses had been undertaken. Findings: Four main themes emerged, revealing staff perceptions on the process of change and their own ‘lightbulb moments’ experienced during this process. Results also indicate that the change has resulted in learner-focused CPE, with a range of opportunities for continued educational development in future. Conclusion: Key stakeholders' experience is seldom reported in studies related to CPE. This study provides an insight into the experiences of key stakeholders in relation to the development and delivery of CPE courses. Stakeholders indicated that they were able to see the benefits of implementing new CPE curricula they had contributed to. They also commented that clinical-pertinent and competence-based courses were more learner focused as a result of combining online content with supported workshops.


Mark Allen Group


General Nursing

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