Empowering the woman: a comprehensive model of sexual anti-ageing


Sofra Xanya1,Lampe Nuris2


1. Director of research and training, IELLIOS Research Center, Ipswich

2. Clinical dermatologist, Horacio Oduber Hospital, Aruba


Female ageing is associated with sexual decline and well-documented symptoms of decreased metabolism, increased visceral fat deposits, decreased mobility, increased incidence of body aches and impaired self-confidence, which can lead to depression, marital dissatisfaction, conflicts or apathy. Sexual decline becomes more prominent with diabetic females suffering from neuropathy that is usually a challenge, since traditional methods usually offer temporary pain relief. Hormone replacement interventions treat only part of the systemic hormonal imbalance problem, ignoring the fact that disruption in the hormonal network signifies a disruption in the entire microcosmos of cellular communications leading to bio-disorganisation and health deterioration. New vaginal rejuvenation methods aspire to resolve a complex psychophysiological issue by merely improving vaginal laxity and dyspareunia, via invasive or minimally invasive methods that often reduce sexual sensation for women, while increasing male satisfaction during intercourse. Here, we offer a more comprehensive model of female sexuality, and discuss two new research studies performed entirely on female subjects. Both studies are discussed with respect to the multi-faced, psychophysiological, composite of female sexuality, which cannot show meaningful improvement without treating both its physiological and psychological components.


Mark Allen Group


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science

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