Human mesenchymal stem cells derived from induced pluripotent stem cells down-regulate NK-cell cytolytic machinery


Giuliani Massimo1,Oudrhiri Noufissa23,Noman Zaeem M.4,Vernochet Amelia1,Chouaib Salem4,Azzarone Bruno1,Durrbach Antoine1,Bennaceur-Griscelli Annelise2


1. Unité Mixte de Reccherche (UMR) 1014 Inserm, Université Paris Sud 11, Hôpital Paul Brousse, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP), Villejuif, France;

2. UMR 935 Inserm, Human Embryonic Stem Cell Core Facility, ES Team Paris Sud, Université Paris Sud, Villejuif, France;

3. Hôpital Paul Brousse, AP-HP, Villejuif, France; and

4. UMR 753 Inserm, Laboratoire d'Immunologie des Tumeurs Humaines, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France


Abstract A major issue in immunosuppressive biotherapy is the use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) that harbor regulatory capacity. However, currently used bone marrow-derived MSCs (BM-MSCs) are short-lived and cannot assure long lasting immunoregulatory function both in vitro and in vivo. Consequently, we have generated MSCs from human induced pluripotent stem (IPS-MSCs) cells that share similar properties with embryonic stem cells (ES-MSCs). Herein, we compared the immunoregulatory properties of ES/IPS-MSCs with those of BM-MSCs and showed, for the first time, that IPS-derived MSCs display remarkable inhibition of NK-cell proliferation and cytolytic function in a similar way to ES-MSCs. Both MSCs disrupt NK-cell cytolytic machinery in the same fashion that BM-MSCs, by down-regulating the expression of different activation markers and ERK1/2 signaling, leading to an impairment to form immunologic synapses with target cells and, therefore, secretion of cytotoxic granules. In addition, they are more resistant than adult BM-MSCs to preactivated NK cells. IPS-MSCs could represent an attractive alternative source of immunoregulatory cells, and their capacity to impair NK-cell cytotoxicity constitutes a complex mechanism to prevent allograft rejection.


American Society of Hematology


Cell Biology,Hematology,Immunology,Biochemistry

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