The role of perceived supervisor resistance in successful work sustainability among cancer survivors


Yagil Dana1,Cohen Miri2


1. Department of Human Services, University of Haifa, Mount Carmel, Haifa, Israel

2. School of Social Work, University of Haifa, Mount Carmel, Haifa, Israel


BACKGROUND: Research has indicated that managerial contact with cancer survivors during a long absence from work is related to cancer survivors’ inclination to return to work. OBJECTIVE: The present study explored the roles of cancer survivors’ perception of supervisor resistance to return to work (RTW) and symptom severity in the relationship between supervisor-initiated contact during the cancer survivors’ absence from work and successful work sustainability (SWS). METHODS: Israeli cancer survivors (N = 149) who had been working at least 6 months after the termination of treatment completed online questionnaires. The scales measured frequency of contact, perceived supervisor resistance to RTW, SWS, and symptom severity. To test the relationship between perceived and actual resistance, a partial sample of the cancer survivors’ direct supervisors (N = 49) reported their resistance to RTW of cancer survivors. RESULTS: The results show that perceived supervisor resistance mediated the relationship between supervisor-initiated contact during absence and SWS. Symptom severity moderated the negative effect of perceived supervisor resistance on SWS: The relationship was stronger for cancer survivors experiencing severe symptoms. Cancer survivors’ perception of supervisor resistance to RTW was positively related to their supervisors’ self-report of resistance. CONCLUSION: These results suggest the need for clear guidelines and managerial training programs regarding contact and communication with cancer survivors during long absences from work.


IOS Press


Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Rehabilitation

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