Technological advances for getting insight into the learning capacities of birds in the vocal domain


Derégnaucourt Sébastien12ORCID,Araguas Alice12,Guellaï Bahia1234


1. University Paris Nanterre

2. University Paris Lumières

3. Institut Universitaire de France

4. University Jean Jaures


Abstract Birds produce different types of sounds in different contexts such as begging for food in youngsters, alerting to a danger, defending a territory or attracting a sexual partner. About half of the bird species are able to transform their vocalizations through imitation, improvisation or invention of sounds. Here we review the different experimental procedures that have been used to study the learning capacities of birds in the vocal domain and in the auditory domain, with a particular emphasis on recent technological developments. Nowadays, it is possible to record individual vocalizations of birds living in social groups or to record continuously the vocal ontogeny of birdsong. In conditioning experiments, new paradigms have successfully replaced food rewards with a socio-sexual reward. It is possible to engage in vocal interactions with a bird using dedicated computer systems. In both the laboratory and more recently in the field, different techniques have been used to train young oscine songbirds to learn from acoustic models. The use of virtual social environments and robots as social agents are also promising avenues. All together, these new techniques will permit researchers to explore more deeply the umwelt of bird species.


John Benjamins Publishing Company


Human-Computer Interaction,Linguistics and Language,Animal Science and Zoology,Language and Linguistics,Communication







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