Recent advances in nanomaterials for water protection and monitoring


Das Rasel123ORCID,Vecitis Chad D.4567,Schulze Agnes123ORCID,Cao Bin8910ORCID,Ismail Ahmad Fauzi11121314,Lu Xianbo15161718,Chen Jiping15161718,Ramakrishna Seeram19202110ORCID


1. Leibniz Institute of Surface Modification

2. D-04318 Leipzig

3. Germany

4. School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

5. Harvard University

6. Cambridge

7. USA

8. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

9. Nanyang Technological University

10. Singapore

11. Advanced Membrane Technology Research Centre

12. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

13. 81310 Johor

14. Malaysia

15. CAS Key Laboratory of Separation Science for Analytical Chemistry

16. Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics

17. Dalian 116023

18. China

19. Centre for Nanofibers and Nanotechnology

20. Department of Mechanical Engineering

21. National University of Singapore


Nanomaterials (NMs) for adsorption, catalysis, separation, and disinfection are scrutinized. NMs-based sensor technologies and environmental transformations of NMs are highlighted.


Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)


General Chemistry

Reference777 articles.

1. R. Das , Nanohybrid Catalyst based on Carbon Nanotube: A Step-By-Step Guideline from Preparation to Demonstration , Springer , 2017

2. Science and technology for water purification in the coming decades

3. J. Bartram , J.Cotruvo , M.Exner , C.Fricker and A.Glasmacher , Heterotrophic plate counts and drinking-water safety: the significance of HPCs for water quality and human health , IWA Publishing , 2003

4. Applications of nanotechnology in water and wastewater treatment

5. Innovations in nanotechnology for water treatment







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