Quantum Dots in Viral and Bacterial Detection


Ramezani Z.1,Thompson M.2


1. Toxicology Research Center, Medical Basic Sciences Research Institute, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences Ahvaz Iran

2. Chemistry Department, University of Toronto Toronto Canada mikethom@chem.utoronto.ca m.thompson@utoronto.ca


Viruses and pathogenic bacteria spread rapidly through the population via air, contaminated water and food, body fluids, or close contact with infected individuals. They cause millions of deaths worldwide; a notable recent example is the COVID-19 pandemic. Medical considerations are different for viral and bacterial infections, and it is vital to distinguish them before starting any treatment plan, but viruses and bacteria alike require rapid detection and quantification methods. The early detection of viruses and bacteria can minimize human health issues associated with infections and reduce their environmental, social, and economic impacts. Quantum dots have recently attracted researchers’ attention as a type of fluorescent dye/tag and signal amplifier for biosensing applications due to their outstanding optical and physicochemical properties. Quantum dot-based biosensors have proven to be reliable and fast methods for detecting bacteria and viruses. They have mainly been utilized in optical and electrochemical biosensor design and pathogen imaging. Herein, we summarize recent developments in quantum dot-based biosensors for bacteria and viruses. The most commonly used transducers in current biosensor designs involve fluorescence microscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, and electrochemistry.


Royal Society of Chemistry








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