

Hosseini S. M.1,Morovati Moez N.1,Arabestani M. R.1


1. Department of Microbiology, School of Medicine, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran


This chapter will describe infection. A problem that has undoubtedly been with mankind from the beginning of humanity till now. From the time when no appropriate word was available for infectious diseases like plague until today, when another infectious pandemic has invaded the entire planet. Infections and infectious diseases are not limited to humans, infections can also evolve in animals and plants and can be transmitted to humans. It has always been observed throughout history that infection and infectious diseases have outstripped human achievements, so that it may take years from the outbreak of an infection to the time of finding a cure and dealing with it. Therefore, knowing the nature of infection, the causes of diseases and the ways of pathogenesis can be very beneficial in diagnosis and treatment. One of the factors that can greatly affect the survival of microbes and their transmission is microbial biofilms. This chapter will briefly explain biofilms, their formation and roles in infections, in the hope that one day, appropriate methods will be developed for treatment of infections and removal of microbial biofilms.


Royal Society of Chemistry







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