Human health in relation to exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation under changing stratospheric ozone and climate


Lucas R. M.12345ORCID,Yazar S.67859ORCID,Young A. R.101112ORCID,Norval M.13141512,de Gruijl F. R.16171819ORCID,Takizawa Y.20212223,Rhodes L. E.2425262728ORCID,Sinclair C. A.29305ORCID,Neale R. E.313253334ORCID


1. National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health

2. Research School of Population Health

3. Australian National University

4. Canberra

5. Australia

6. Centre for Ophthalmology and Visual Science

7. University of Western Australia

8. Perth

9. MRC Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine

10. King's College London

11. London

12. UK

13. Biomedical Sciences

14. University of Edinburgh Medical School

15. Edinburgh

16. Department of Dermatology

17. Leiden University Medical Centre

18. Leiden

19. The Netherlands

20. Akita University School of Medicine

21. National Institute for Minamata Disease

22. Tokyo

23. Japan

24. Centre for Dermatology Research

25. School of Biological Sciences

26. Faculty of Biology, Medicine, and Health

27. The University of Manchester and Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust

28. Manchester Academic Health Science Centre

29. Cancer Council Victoria

30. Melbourne

31. QIMR Berghofer Institute of Medical Research

32. Brisbane

33. School of Public Health

34. University of Queensland


The Montreal Protocol has limited increases in the UV-B (280–315 nm) radiation reaching the Earth's surface as a result of depletion of stratospheric ozone. Exposure to UV-B radiation has both risks and benefits for human health.


National Health and Medical Research Council

National Institute for Health Research


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Physical and Theoretical Chemistry







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