
Lebedeva Oksana1,Pimenova Naila1,Ibragimov Stanislav2,Chikina Tatiana3


1. Astrakhan State Medical University

2. Federal Center of Cardiovascular Surgery

3. Clinical Maternity Hospital named after Yu.A. Paskhalova


Aortic thrombosis is a rare, but severe and dangerous manifestation of increased thrombosis in the neonatal period. The presented clinical case demonstrates the features of the clinical course of in-frarenal abdominal aortic thrombosis in a full-term newborn. Laboratory and instrumental data are de-scribed, as well as the methods of treatment used. Despite the therapy, a fatal outcome occurred on the 26th day of life. The described clinical case expands the understanding of the possible causes, clinic, diagnosis and choice of therapies for this condition in newborns.


Astrakhan State Medical University

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