Biological treatment of severe asthma: new objectives and new treatment options


Nenasheva N. M.1ORCID


1. Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education


This article is devoted to the main characteristics of severe bronchial asthma (SBA) and its heterogeneity, in particular, T2 asthma is characterized and the role of the main cytokines forming T2-inflammation is presented. The main emphasis is made on the role of the IL-4 and IL-13 in the pathogenesis of AD as the key cytokines in the initiation and maintenance of T2-inflammation, as well as on a new biological molecule – monoclonal antibody – dupilumab, directed to the α-subunit of IL-4 receptor, thus blocking the pathways of IL-4 and IL-13. Dupilumab has recently been registered in our country for the treatment of moderate and severe BA, as well as moderate and severe atopic dermatitis. The article presents the clinical efficacy and tolerability of dupillumab in patients with moderate and severe BA.


Remedium, Ltd.


General Medicine

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