A global database for modeling tumor-immune cell communication


Xie Yunjin,Zhou Weiwei,Shi Jingyi,Xu Mengjia,Lin Zijing,Li Donghao,Li Jianing,Cheng Shujun,Shao Tingting,Xu JuanORCID


AbstractCommunications between tumor cells and surrounding immune cells help shape the tumor immunity continuum. Recent breakthroughs in high-throughput technologies as well as computational algorithms had reported many important tumor-immune cell (TIC) communications, which were scattered in thousands of published studies and impeded systematical characterization of the TIC communications across cancer. Here, a comprehensive database, TICCom, was developed to model TIC communications, containing 739 experimentally-validated or manually-curated interactions collected from more than 3,000 literatures as well as 4,537,709 predicted interactions inferred via six computational algorithms by reanalyzing 32 scRNA-seq datasets and bulk RNA-seq data across 25 cancer types. The communications between tumor cells and 14 types of immune cells were characterized, and the involved ligand-receptor interactions were further integrated. 14190 human and 3650 mouse integrated ligand-receptor interactions with supplemented corresponding function information were also stored in the TICCom database. Our database would serve as a valuable resource for investigating TIC communications.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Library and Information Sciences,Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty,Computer Science Applications,Education,Information Systems,Statistics and Probability

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1. SORC: an integrated spatial omics resource in cancer;Nucleic Acids Research;2023-10-09








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