Deciphering complex breakage-fusion-bridge genome rearrangements with Ambigram


Li ChaohuiORCID,Chen LingxiORCID,Pan Guangze,Zhang Wenqian,Li Shuai ChengORCID


AbstractBreakage-fusion-bridge (BFB) is a complex rearrangement that leads to tumor malignancy. Existing models for detecting BFBs rely on the ideal BFB hypothesis, ruling out the possibility of BFBs entangled with other structural variations, that is, complex BFBs. We propose an algorithm Ambigram to identify complex BFB and reconstruct the rearranged structure of the local genome during the cancer subclone evolution process. Ambigram handles data from short, linked, long, and single-cell sequences, and optical mapping technologies. Ambigram successfully deciphers the gold- or silver-standard complex BFBs against the state-of-the-art in multiple cancers. Ambigram dissects the intratumor heterogeneity of complex BFB events with single-cell reads from melanoma and gastric cancer. Furthermore, applying Ambigram to liver and cervical cancer data suggests that the BFB mechanism may mediate oncovirus integrations. BFB also exists in noncancer genomics. Investigating the complete human genome reference with Ambigram suggests that the BFB mechanism may be involved in two genome reorganizations of Homo Sapiens during evolution. Moreover, Ambigram discovers the signals of recurrent foldback inversions and complex BFBs in whole genome data from the 1000 genome project, and congenital heart diseases, respectively.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


General Physics and Astronomy,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,General Chemistry,Multidisciplinary







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