MPP8 is essential for sustaining self-renewal of ground-state pluripotent stem cells


Müller IrisORCID,Moroni Ann SophieORCID,Shlyueva Daria,Sahadevan Sudeep,Schoof Erwin M.ORCID,Radzisheuskaya Aliaksandra,Højfeldt Jonas W.ORCID,Tatar Tülin,Koche Richard P.ORCID,Huang Chang,Helin KristianORCID


AbstractDeciphering the mechanisms that control the pluripotent ground state is key for understanding embryonic development. Nonetheless, the epigenetic regulation of ground-state mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) is not fully understood. Here, we identify the epigenetic protein MPP8 as being essential for ground-state pluripotency. Its depletion leads to cell cycle arrest and spontaneous differentiation. MPP8 has been suggested to repress LINE1 elements by recruiting the human silencing hub (HUSH) complex to H3K9me3-rich regions. Unexpectedly, we find that LINE1 elements are efficiently repressed by MPP8 lacking the chromodomain, while the unannotated C-terminus is essential for its function. Moreover, we show that SETDB1 recruits MPP8 to its genomic target loci, whereas transcriptional repression of LINE1 elements is maintained without retaining H3K9me3 levels. Taken together, our findings demonstrate that MPP8 protects the DNA-hypomethylated pluripotent ground state through its association with the HUSH core complex, however, independently of detectable chromatin binding and maintenance of H3K9me3.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


General Physics and Astronomy,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,General Chemistry







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