Natural resveratrol analogs differentially target endometriotic cells into apoptosis pathways


Gołąbek-Grenda Agata,Kaczmarek Mariusz,Juzwa Wojciech,Olejnik Anna


AbstractThe specific characteristics of endometriotic cells are their ability to evade the apoptotic machinery and abnormal response to apoptotic stimuli. Natural-originated compounds may constitute a beneficial strategy in apoptosis modulation in endometriosis. We investigated and compared the potency of natural resveratrol analogs, including piceatannol, polydatin, and pterostilbene, in targeting cell death pathways, including apoptosis-related morphologic and biochemical processes, alongside the modulation of the critical genes expression. Upon resveratrol and pterostilbene treatment, a significant reduction of endometriotic cell viability and an increased apoptotic proportion of cells were noted. The lower antiproliferative potential was found for piceatannol and polydatin. Endometrial stromal T HESC cells were significantly more resistant than endometriotic epithelial 12Z cells to the cytotoxic activity of all analyzed compounds. They differentially affected endometriotic cell viability, cell cycle, anti- and proapoptotic genes regulation, caspases expression and enzymatic activity, and DNA fragmentation. Pterostilbene-mediated endometriotic cell apoptosis modulation was confirmed to be most effective but without evident caspase 3 upregulation. Our study provides valuable insight into the apoptogenic activity of resveratrol and its natural analogs in endometriotic cells. Data obtained revealed the highest therapeutic potential of pterostilbene by effectively targeting cell death determinants in endometriosis, strengthening its optimization in further extensive research.


Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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