Comprehensive plasma steroidomics reveals subtle alterations of systemic steroid profile in patients at different stages of prostate cancer disease


Girel Sergey,Markin Pavel A.,Tobolkina Elena,Boccard Julien,Moskaleva Natalia E.,Rudaz Serge,Appolonova Svetlana A.


AbstractThe steroid submetabolome, or steroidome, is of particular interest in prostate cancer (PCa) as the dependence of PCa growth on androgens is well known and has been routinely exploited in treatment for decades. Nevertheless, the community is still far from a comprehensive understanding of steroid involvement in PCa both at the tissue and at systemic level. In this study we used liquid chromatography/high resolution mass spectrometry (LC/HRMS) backed by a dynamic retention time database DynaSTI to obtain a readout on circulating steroids in a cohort reflecting a progression of the PCa. Hence, 60 relevant compounds were annotated in the resulting LC/HRMS data, including 22 unknown steroid isomers therein. Principal component analysis revealed only subtle alterations of the systemic steroidome in the study groups. Next, a supervised approach allowed for a differentiation between the healthy state and any of the stages of the disease. Subsequent clustering of steroid metabolites revealed two groups responsible for this outcome: one consisted primarily of the androgens, whereas another contained corticosterone and its metabolites. The androgen data supported the currently established involvement of a hypothalamic-pituitary–gonadal axis in the development of PCa, whereas biological role of corticosterone remained elusive. On top of that, current results suggested a need for improvement in the dynamic range of the analytical methods to better understand the role of low abundant steroids, as the analysis revealed an involvement of estrogen metabolites. In particular, 2-hydroxyestradiol-3-methylether, one of the compounds present in the disease phenotype, was annotated and reported for the first time in men.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC









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