Neurogenic timing of the inferior olive subdivisions is related to the olivocerebellar projection topography


Luo Yuanjun,Chao Yuhan,Owusu-Mensah Richard Nana Abankwah,Zhang Jingyun,Hirata Tatsumi,Sugihara Izumi


AbstractThe olivocerebellar projection is organized into an intricate topographical connection from the inferior olive (IO) subdivisions to the longitudinally-striped compartments of cerebellar Purkinje Cells (PCs), to play an essential role in cerebellar coordination and learning. However, the central mechanisms for forming topography need to be clarified. IO neurons and PCs are generated during overlapping periods of a few days in embryonic development. Therefore, we examined whether their neurogenic timing is specifically involved in the olivocerebellar topographic projection relationship. First, we mapped neurogenic timing in the entire IO by using the neurogenic-tagging system of neurog2-CreER (G2A) mice and specific labeling of IO neurons with FoxP2. IO subdivisions were classified into three groups depending on their neurogenic timing range. Then, we examined the relationships in the neurogenic-timing gradient between IO neurons and PCs by labeling topographic olivocerebellar projection patterns and PC neurogenic timing. Early, intermediate, and late groups of IO subdivisions projected to late, intermediate, and early groups of the cortical compartments, respectively, except for a few particular areas. The results indicated that the olivocerebellar topographic relationship is essentially arranged according to the reverse neurogenic-timing gradients of the origin and target.


JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Overseas Researchers

China Scholarship Council


Japan Science and Technology Agency

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

MEXT scholarship for foreign students


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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