MiR-200b categorizes patients into pancreas cystic lesion subgroups with different malignant potential


Benke Márton,Zeöld Anikó,Kittel Ágnes,Khamari Delaram,Hritz István,Horváth Miklós,Keczer Bánk,Borka Katalin,Szücs Ákos,Wiener Zoltán


AbstractExtracellular vesicles (EV) carry their cargo in a membrane protected form, however, their value in early diagnostics is not well known. Although pancreatic cysts are heterogeneous, they can be clustered into the larger groups of pseudocysts (PC), and serous and mucinous pancreatic cystic neoplasms (S-PCN and M-PCN, respectively). In contrast to PCs and S-PCNs, M-PCNs may progress to malignant pancreatic cancers. Since current diagnostic tools do not meet the criteria of high sensitivity and specificity, novel methods are urgently needed to differentiate M-PCNs from other cysts. We show that cyst fluid is a rich source of EVs that are positive and negative for the EV markers CD63 and CD81, respectively. Whereas we found no difference in the EV number when comparing M-PCN with other pancreatic cysts, our EV-based biomarker identification showed that EVs from M-PCNs had a higher level of miR-200b. We also prove that not only EV-derived, but also total cyst fluid miR-200b discriminates patients with M-PCN from other pancreatic cysts with a higher sensitivity and specificity compared to other diagnostic methods, providing the possibility for clinical applications. Our results show that measuring miR-200b in cyst fluid-derived EVs or from cyst fluid may be clinically important in categorizing patients.


Hungarian Scientific Fund, Ministry of Innovation and Technology of Hungary

Ministry of Innovation and Technology of Hungary

ÚNKP New National Excellence Program, Ministry of Innovation and Technology of Hungary

Semmelweis Scientific and Innovation Fund

János Bolyai Research Fellowship, Hungarian Academy of Sciences


Springer Science and Business Media LLC










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