Combined SPT and FCS methods reveal a mechanism of RNAP II oversampling in cell nuclei


Fournier Marie,Leclerc Pierre,Leray Aymeric,Champelovier Dorian,Agbazahou Florence,Dahmani Fatima,Bidaux Gabriel,Furlan Alessandro,Héliot Laurent


AbstractGene expression orchestration is a key question in fundamental and applied research. Different models for transcription regulation were proposed, yet the dynamic regulation of RNA polymerase II (RNAP II) activity remains a matter of debate. To improve our knowledge of this topic, we investigated RNAP II motility in eukaryotic cells by combining single particle tracking (SPT) and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) techniques, to take advantage of their different sensitivities in order to analyze together slow and fast molecular movements. Thanks to calibrated samples, we developed a benchmark for quantitative analysis of molecular dynamics, to eliminate the main potential instrumental biases. We applied this workflow to study the diffusion of RPB1, the catalytic subunit of RNAP II. By a cross-analysis of FCS and SPT, we could highlight different RPB1 motility states and identifyed a stationary state, a slow diffusion state, and two different modes of subdiffusion. Interestingly, our analysis also unveiled the oversampling by RPB1 of nuclear subdomains. Based on these data, we propose a novel model of spatio-temporal transcription regulation. Altogether, our results highlight the importance of combining microscopy approaches at different time scales to get a full insight into the real complexity of molecular kinetics in cells.


Doctoral school SMRE

Agence Nationale de la Recherche

Conseil Régional Hauts-de-France

Université de Bourgogne

Nikon partnership agreement

Université de Lille

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique


Springer Science and Business Media LLC









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