ePyDGGA: automatic configuration for fitting epidemic curves


Alòs Josep,Ansótegui Carlos,Dotu Ivan,García-Herranz Manuel,Pastells Pol,Torres Eduard


AbstractMany epidemiological models and algorithms are used to fit the parameters of a given epidemic curve. On many occasions, fitting algorithms are interleaved with the actual epidemic models, which yields combinations of model-parameters that are hard to compare among themselves. Here, we provide a model-agnostic framework for epidemic parameter fitting that can (fairly) compare different epidemic models without jeopardizing the quality of the fitted parameters. Briefly, we have developed a Python framework that expects a Python function (epidemic model) and epidemic data and performs parameter fitting using automatic configuration. Our framework is capable of fitting parameters for any type of epidemic model, as long as it is provided as a Python function (or even in a different programming language). Moreover, we provide the code for different types of models, as well as the implementation of 4 concrete models with data to fit them. Documentation, code and examples can be found at https://ulog.udl.cat/static/doc/epidemic-gga/html/index.html.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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