Comparative and phylogenetic analyses of nine complete chloroplast genomes of Orchidaceae


Liu Likuan,Du Jingxuan,Liu Zhihua,Zuo Wenming,Wang Zhenglei,Li Jinping,Zeng Yang


AbstractThe orchid family has 200,000 species and 700 genera, and it is found worldwide in the tropics and subtropics. In China, there are 1247 species and subspecies of orchids belonging to the Orchidaceae family. Orchidaceae is one of the most diverse plant families in the world, known for their lush look, remarkable ecological tolerance, and capability for reproduction. It has significant decorative and therapeutic value. In terms of evolution, the orchid family is one of the more complicated groups, but up until now, little has been known about its affinities. This study examined the properties of 19 chloroplast (cp) genomes, of which 11 had previously been published and nine had only recently been revealed. Following that, topics such as analysis of selection pressure, codon usage, amino acid frequencies, repeated sequences, and reverse repeat contraction and expansion are covered. The Orchidaceae share similar cp chromosomal characteristics, and we have conducted a preliminary analysis of their evolutionary connections. The cp genome of this family has a typical tepartite structure and a high degree of consistency across species. Platanthera urceolata with more tandem repeats of the cp genome. Similar cp chromosomal traits can be seen in the orchidaceae. Galearis roborowskyi, Neottianthe cucullata, Neottianthe monophylla, Platanthera urceolata and Ponerorchis compacta are the closest cousins, according to phylogenetic study.


the Science and Technology International Cooperation Program

Qinghai Provincial Department of Science and Technology Innovation Platform Construction Fund


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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