Characteristics of road traffic mortality and distribution of healthcare resources in Thailand


Seresirikachorn Kasem,Singhanetr Panisa,Soonthornworasiri Ngamphol,Amornpetchsathaporn Anyarak,Theeramunkong Thanaruk


AbstractRoad traffic mortalities (RTMs), a leading cause of death globally, mostly occur in low- and middle-income countries, and having sufficient healthcare resources could lower the number of these fatalities. Our study aimed to illustrate the incidence of RTMs per 100,000 population and to compare the distribution of healthcare resources from 2011 to 2021 with rates of RTMs in the 77 provinces of Thailand. We divided the population into adults (≥ 15 years) and children (0–14 years). Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient were used to measure the level of distribution and equality of hospital resources and in relation to RTMs across the country. The average number of deaths was 30.34 per 100,000 per year, with male predominance. The RTM rates for adults and children were 32.71 and 19.08 per 100,000 respectively, and motorcycle accidents accounted for the largest percentage of deaths across all age groups. The Gini coefficient showed that operating rooms (0.42) were the least equally distributed hospital resource, while physicians were the most equally distributed (0.34). Anomalies were identified between the distribution of RTMs and available hospital resources. We hope our study will be beneficial in reallocating these resources more fairly to reflect the different numbers of traffic accidents in each province with the aim of reducing lower traffic-related deaths.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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