Effects of protease-treated royal jelly on muscle strength in elderly nursing home residents: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-response study


Meng Ge,Wang Honglei,Pei Yinghua,Li Yanmei,Wu Hongmei,Song Yanqi,Guo Qi,Guo Hui,Fukushima Shinobu,Tatefuji Tomoki,Wang Jiazhong,Du Huanmin,Su Qian,Zhang Wen,Shen Suxing,Wang Xiuyang,Dong Renwei,Han Peipei,Okazaki Tatsuma,Nagatomi RyoichiORCID,Wang Jianhua,Huang Guowei,Sun Zhong,Song Kun,Niu Kaijun


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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