Risk factors of unintentional piecemeal resection in endoscopic mucosal resection for colorectal polyps ≥ 10 mm


Ishikawa Tsubasa,Okimoto Kenichiro,Matsumura Tomoaki,Ogasawara Sadahisa,Fukuda Yoshihiro,Kitsukawa Yoshio,Yokoyama Yuya,Kanayama Kengo,Akizue Naoki,Iino Yotaro,Ohta Yuki,Ishigami Hideaki,Taida Takashi,Tsuchiya Shin,Saito Keiko,Kamezaki Hidehiro,Kobayashi Akitoshi,Kikuchi Yasuharu,Tada Minoru,Shiko Yuki,Ozawa Yoshihito,Kato Jun,Yamaguchi Taketo,Kato Naoya


AbstractThis study aimed to investigate the lesion and endoscopist factors associated with unintentional endoscopic piecemeal mucosal resection (uniEPMR) of colorectal lesions ≥ 10 mm. uniEPMR was defined from the medical record as anything other than a preoperatively planned EPMR. Factors leading to uniEPMR were identified by retrospective univariate and multivariate analyses of lesions ≥ 10 mm (adenoma including sessile serrated lesion and carcinoma) that were treated with endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) at three hospitals. Additionally, a questionnaire survey was conducted to determine the number of cases treated by each endoscopist. A learning curve (LC) was created for each lesion size based on the number of experienced cases and the percentage of uniEPMR. Of 2557 lesions, 327 lesions underwent uniEPMR. The recurrence rate of uniEPMR was 2.8%. Multivariate analysis showed that lesion diameter ≥ 30 mm (odds ratio 11.83, 95% confidence interval 6.80–20.60, p < 0.0001) was the most associated risk factor leading to uniEPMR. In the LC analysis, the proportion of uniEPMR decreased for lesion sizes of 10–19 mm until 160 cases. The proportion of uniEPMR decreased with the number of experienced cases in the 20–29 mm range, while there was no correlation between the number of experienced cases and the proportion of uniEPMR ≥ 30 mm. These results suggest that 160 cases seem to be the minimum number of cases needed to be proficient in en bloc EMR. Additionally, while lesion sizes of 10–29 mm are considered suitable for EMR, lesion sizes ≥ 30 mm are not applicable for en bloc EMR from the perspective of both lesion and endoscopist factors.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC










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