Adjuvant epirubicin followed by cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and fluorouracil (CMF) vs CMF in early breast cancer: results with over 7 years median follow-up from the randomised phase III NEAT/BR9601 trials


Earl H M, ,Hiller L,Dunn J A,Vallier A-L,Bowden S J,Jordan S D,Blows F,Munro A,Bathers S,Grieve R,Spooner D A,Agrawal R,Fernando I,Brunt A M,O'Reilly S M,Crawford S M,Rea D W,Simmonds P,Mansi J L,Stanley A,McAdam K,Foster L,Leonard R CF,Twelves C J,Cameron D,Bartlett J MS,Pharoah P,Provenzano E,Caldas C,Poole C J


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Cancer Research,Oncology

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