Expert consensus on digital guided therapy for endodontic diseases


Wei XiORCID,Du Yu,Zhou Xuedong,Yue Lin,Yu Qing,Hou Benxiang,Chen ZhiORCID,Liang Jingping,Chen Wenxia,Qiu Lihong,Huang Xiangya,Meng Liuyan,Huang Dingming,Wang Xiaoyan,Tian Yu,Tang Zisheng,Zhang Qi,Miao Leiying,Zhao Jin,Yang Deqin,Yang Jian,Ling Junqi


AbstractDigital guided therapy (DGT) has been advocated as a contemporary computer-aided technique for treating endodontic diseases in recent decades. The concept of DGT for endodontic diseases is categorized into static guided endodontics (SGE), necessitating a meticulously designed template, and dynamic guided endodontics (DGE), which utilizes an optical triangulation tracking system. Based on cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images superimposed with or without oral scan (OS) data, a virtual template is crafted through software and subsequently translated into a 3-dimensional (3D) printing for SGE, while the system guides the drilling path with a real-time navigation in DGE. DGT was reported to resolve a series of challenging endodontic cases, including teeth with pulp obliteration, teeth with anatomical abnormalities, teeth requiring retreatment, posterior teeth needing endodontic microsurgery, and tooth autotransplantation. Case reports and basic researches all demonstrate that DGT stand as a precise, time-saving, and minimally invasive approach in contrast to conventional freehand method. This expert consensus mainly introduces the case selection, general workflow, evaluation, and impact factor of DGT, which could provide an alternative working strategy in endodontic treatment.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


General Dentistry







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