Neurotransmission-related gene expression in the frontal pole is altered in subjects with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia


Medina Adriana M.ORCID,Hagenauer Megan HastingsORCID,Krolewski David M.,Hughes EvanORCID,Forrester Liam Cannon Thew,Walsh David M.,Waselus MariaORCID,Richardson Evelyn,Turner Cortney A.,Sequeira P. AdolfoORCID,Cartagena Preston M.,Thompson Robert C.,Vawter Marquis P.ORCID,Bunney Blynn G.,Myers Richard M.,Barchas Jack D.,Lee Francis S.ORCID,Schatzberg Alan F.ORCID,Bunney William E.,Akil Huda,Watson Stanley J.


AbstractThe frontal pole (Brodmann area 10, BA10) is the largest cytoarchitectonic region of the human cortex, performing complex integrative functions. BA10 undergoes intensive adolescent grey matter pruning prior to the age of onset for bipolar disorder (BP) and schizophrenia (SCHIZ), and its dysfunction is likely to underly aspects of their shared symptomology. In this study, we investigated the role of BA10 neurotransmission-related gene expression in BP and SCHIZ. We performed qPCR to measure the expression of 115 neurotransmission-related targets in control, BP, and SCHIZ postmortem samples (n = 72). We chose this method for its high sensitivity to detect low-level expression. We then strengthened our findings by performing a meta-analysis of publicly released BA10 microarray data (n = 101) and identified sources of convergence with our qPCR results. To improve interpretation, we leveraged the unusually large database of clinical metadata accompanying our samples to explore the relationship between BA10 gene expression, therapeutics, substances of abuse, and symptom profiles, and validated these findings with publicly available datasets. Using these convergent sources of evidence, we identified 20 neurotransmission-related genes that were differentially expressed in BP and SCHIZ in BA10. These results included a large diagnosis-related decrease in two important therapeutic targets with low levels of expression, HTR2B and DRD4, as well as other findings related to dopaminergic, GABAergic and astrocytic function. We also observed that therapeutics may produce a differential expression that opposes diagnosis effects. In contrast, substances of abuse showed similar effects on BA10 gene expression as BP and SCHIZ, potentially amplifying diagnosis-related dysregulation.


Hope for Depression Research Foundation

Pritzker Neuropsychiatric Disorders Research Consortium

Michigan Research and Discovery Scholars (MRADS) program

Pritzker Neuropsychiatric Disorders Research Fund

University of Michigan Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services | NIH | National Institute of Mental Health

United States Department of Defense | United States Navy | Office of Naval Research


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Biological Psychiatry,Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience,Psychiatry and Mental health

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