Clemens Freiherr von Pirquet: Explaining immune complex disease in 1906


Silverstein Arthur M.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Immunology,Immunology and Allergy

Reference19 articles.

1. Just as immunology was markedly ecumenical during its early days, so has it expanded similarly during this age of immunobiology. Much important work in the field is being done by transplant surgeons, internists, hematologists, neurologists, endocrinologists, physiologists and pharmacologists who often do not belong to an immunological society, do not publish in immunological journals and do not even consider themselves immunologists.

2. Silverstein, A. M. Nature Immunol. 1, 93–94 (2000).

3. More details about Pirquet's life are found in Wagner, R. Clemens von Pirquet: His life and work (Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1968).

4. Pirquet, however, opposed Ehrlich's theory and aligned himself with Max Gruber, Ehrlich's most vocal opponent. See their challenge to Ehrlich in Gruber, M. & Pirquet, C. Münch. med. Wochenschr. 50, 1193–1196, 1259–1263 (1903).

5. Ehrlich, P. Deutsch. med. Wochenschr. 17, 976–979 (1891) (Translation: Erlich, P. in Collected Papers Vol. 2, 21–26.) Ehrlich always looked for clinical implications in all of his research results.

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