Inferring gene expression from cell-free DNA fragmentation profiles


Esfahani Mohammad Shahrokh,Hamilton Emily G.,Mehrmohamadi Mahya,Nabet Barzin Y.ORCID,Alig Stefan K.ORCID,King Daniel A.,Steen Chloé B.ORCID,Macaulay Charles W.,Schultz AndreORCID,Nesselbush Monica C.,Soo Joanne,Schroers-Martin Joseph G.ORCID,Chen BinbinORCID,Binkley Michael S.,Stehr Henning,Chabon Jacob J.ORCID,Sworder Brian J.,Hui Angela B-Y,Frank Matthew J.,Moding Everett J.ORCID,Liu Chih Long,Newman Aaron M.ORCID,Isbell James M.ORCID,Rudin Charles M.,Li Bob T.,Kurtz David M.ORCID,Diehn MaximilianORCID,Alizadeh Ash A.ORCID


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Biomedical Engineering,Molecular Medicine,Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,Bioengineering,Biotechnology

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