SIDT1-dependent absorption in the stomach mediates host uptake of dietary and orally administered microRNAs


Chen Qun,Zhang Fan,Dong LeiORCID,Wu Huimin,Xu Jie,Li Hanqin,Wang Jin,Zhou Zhen,Liu Chunyan,Wang Yanbo,Liu Yuyan,Lu Liangsheng,Wang Chen,Liu Minghui,Chen Xi,Wang ChengORCID,Zhang ChunniORCID,Li Dangsheng,Zen KeORCID,Wang Fangyu,Zhang Qipeng,Zhang Chen-Yu


AbstractDietary microRNAs have been shown to be absorbed by mammals and regulate host gene expression, but the absorption mechanism remains unknown. Here, we show that SIDT1 expressed on gastric pit cells in the stomach is required for the absorption of dietary microRNAs. SIDT1-deficient mice show reduced basal levels and impaired dynamic absorption of dietary microRNAs. Notably, we identified the stomach as the primary site for dietary microRNA absorption, which is dramatically attenuated in the stomachs of SIDT1-deficient mice. Mechanistic analyses revealed that the uptake of exogenous microRNAs by gastric pit cells is SIDT1 and low-pH dependent. Furthermore, oral administration of plant-derived miR2911 retards liver fibrosis, and this protective effect was abolished in SIDT1-deficient mice. Our findings reveal a major mechanism underlying the absorption of dietary microRNAs, uncover an unexpected role of the stomach and shed light on developing small RNA therapeutics by oral delivery.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Cell Biology,Molecular Biology







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