Losing the ‘arms race’: multiresistant salmon lice are dispersed throughout the North Atlantic Ocean


Fjørtoft Helene Børretzen12ORCID,Nilsen Frank2,Besnier Francois3,Stene Anne1,Tveten Ann-Kristin1,Bjørn Pål Arne3,Aspehaug Vidar Teis4,Glover Kevin Alan23


1. Department of Biological Sciences in Aalesund, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, PO Box 1517, 6025 Aalesund, Norway

2. Department of Biology, Sea Lice Research Center, University of Bergen, PO Box 7803, 5020 Bergen, Norway

3. Institute of Marine Research, PO Box 1870, 5817 Bergen, Norway

4. PatoGen AS, PO Box 548, 6001 Aalesund, Norway


Nothing lasts forever, including the effect of chemicals aimed to control pests in food production. As old pesticides have been compromised by emerging resistance, new ones have been introduced and turned the odds back in our favour. With time, however, some pests have developed multi-pesticide resistance, challenging our ability to control them. In salmonid aquaculture, the ectoparasitic salmon louse has developed resistance to most of the available delousing compounds. The discovery of genetic markers associated with resistance to organophosphates and pyrethroids made it possible for us to investigate simultaneous resistance to both compounds in approximately 2000 samples of salmon lice from throughout the North Atlantic in the years 2000–2016. We observed widespread and increasing multiresistance on the European side of the Atlantic, particularly in areas with intensive aquaculture. Multiresistant lice were also found on wild Atlantic salmon and sea trout, and also on farmed salmonid hosts in areas where delousing chemicals have not been used. In areas with intensive aquaculture, there are almost no lice left that are sensitive to both compounds. These results demonstrate the speed to which this parasite can develop widespread multiresistance, illustrating why the aquaculture industry has repeatedly lost the arms race with this highly problematic parasite.


Regional Research Fond

Norwegian Food Safety Authority

Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Industry


The Royal Society



Reference45 articles.

1. Insect Pests and Crop Losses

2. WHO. 2020 Vector-borne diseases. See https://www.who.int/en/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/vector-borne-diseases (accessed 1 September 2020).

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