Heat tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster is influenced by oxygen conditions and mutations in cell size control pathways


Privalova Valeriya1ORCID,Sobczyk Łukasz1ORCID,Szlachcic Ewa1ORCID,Labecka Anna Maria1ORCID,Czarnoleski Marcin1ORCID


1. Life History Evolution Group, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Biology, Jagiellonian University, Gronostajowa 7, 30-387 Kraków, Poland


Understanding metabolic performance limitations is key to explaining the past, present and future of life. We investigated whether heat tolerance in actively flying Drosophila melanogaster is modified by individual differences in cell size and the amount of oxygen in the environment. We used two mutants with loss-of-function mutations in cell size control associated with the target of rapamycin (TOR)/insulin pathways, showing reduced (mutant rictor Δ2 ) or increased (mutant Mnt 1 ) cell size in different body tissues compared to controls. Flies were exposed to a steady increase in temperature under normoxia and hypoxia until they collapsed. The upper critical temperature decreased in response to each mutation type as well as under hypoxia. Females, which have larger cells than males, had lower heat tolerance than males. Altogether, mutations in cell cycle control pathways, differences in cell size and differences in oxygen availability affected heat tolerance, but existing theories on the roles of cell size and tissue oxygenation in metabolic performance can only partially explain our results. A better understanding of how the cellular composition of the body affects metabolism may depend on the development of research models that help separate various interfering physiological parameters from the exclusive influence of cell size. This article is part of the theme issue ‘The evolutionary significance of variation in metabolic rates’.


National Science Center in Poland


The Royal Society


General Agricultural and Biological Sciences,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology

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1. Consequences of the cost of living: is variation in metabolic rate evolutionarily significant?;Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences;2024-01-08

2. Heat tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster is influenced by oxygen conditions and mutations in cell size control pathways;Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences;2024-01-08








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