Research on the Influence of Social Media on Film Industry Marketing and Coping Strategies


Huang Chuyi,Lin Zihan,Zhou Zhehao


As a consumer good with schedule attributes, the publicity before the film’s public release is very important. With the rise of social media with participatory, interactive, and personalized features such as Douban, Weibo, Tiktok, and WeChat Moments, abundant marketing means have made it possible to expand the film market. Film distributors are also experimenting and exploring extensive social media marketing campaigns. During the film’s premiere, film distributors should live stream the event through social media to trigger comments and retweets from fans. It is also necessary to create an official Weibo of the movie, to initiate a topic on Weibo, to allow the topic to have a sufficient fermentation period, and through the interaction between fans of actors (stars), fans of the original novel, and fans of the movie, to achieve celebrity effect. Increase the discussion of the film, make more audiences pay attention to the film, resonate, and pave the way for the film’s release. This paper aims to identify the influence of social media marketing on the film industry and recommend some effective strategies that companies in the film industry can try to adopt while promoting their movies. The paper includes Methods 1 and 2 to obtain the quantitative data used in the later research. For the significance of this paper, it produces many business values for companies within the film industry to refer to, which can facilitate the development of the whole film industry in the later few decades.


Boya Century Publishing

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