
Oliveira Tiago Argolo Bittencourt de1,Andrade Sérgio Murilo dos Santos2,Prado Gabriel Oliveira3,Fernandes Rony Brito1,Gusmão Maurício Santos1,Gomes Eduardo Gil França2,Amorim Junior Djalma Castro de1,Pimentel Maurício Guimarães1,Simões Marcus Thadeu Venâncio2,Gomes Joilda Fontes2,Freire Jayme Batista2,Sampaio Glauco Landim Batista2,Lima Marcelo de Luna Freire2,Matos Marcos Almeida4


1. Hospital Geral do Estado, Brazil; Hospital da Santa Casa de Misericórdia da Bahia, Brazil

2. Hospital Geral do Estado, Brazil

3. Hospital Espanhol, Brazil

4. Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, Brazil


ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the incidence of spinal injuries between 2000-2010 due to motorcycle accidents and the relation to the increase in motorcycle sales in the same period, as well as the anatomical distribution of these spinal injuries. Methods: Data were collected from 1,295 records of patients who have suffered spinal injury resulting from motorcycle accidents admitted to the ward TRM (Spinal Cord Trauma) of the Hospital Geral do Estado da Bahia from 2000 to 2010 in this retrospective study. We selected 110 medical records and collected information on sex, age, neurological deficit on admission (according to Frankel scale), diagnosis, and level of injury. Results: Between 2000 and 2010 there was an increase of almost five times in the incidence of patients who have suffered spinal injury due to motorcycle accidents. More than half (51.4%) had cervical spine injury, 37.2% thoracic spine injury and 11.34% had lumbar spine injury. Only 34.3% of patients had no neurological deficit on admission and patients with thoracic spine fracture had a higher incidence and severity of lesion. The average age of patients was 30 years. Conclusions: The increased incidence of spinal injuries due motorcycle accidents occurred in the same period in which there was an increase in motorcycle sales in the country. Patients who have suffered those injuries were young, with higher incidence in the cervical and thoracic spinal levels and high rates of neurological deficit.




Neurology (clinical),Orthopedics and Sports Medicine,Surgery

Reference8 articles.

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2. Evolução da frota de automóveis e motos no Brasil 2001-2012 (Relatório 2013);Rodrigues JM,2013

3. Caracterização clínica e das situações de fratura da coluna vertebral no município de Ribeirão Preto, propostas para um programa de prevenção do trauma raquimedular;Vasconcelos EC;Coluna/Columna,2011

4. Spinal injury patterns resulting from car and motorcycle acidentes;Robertson A;Spine (Phila Pa 1976),2002

5. Spine-spinal cord relationships in spinal cord trauma;Tator CH;Clin Neurosurg,1983

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