A proposal of Brazilian Society of Surgical Oncology (BSSO/SBCO) for standardizing cytoreductive surgery (CRS) plus hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) procedures in Brazil: pseudomixoma peritonei, appendiceal tumors and malignant peritoneal mesothelioma


Batista Thales Paulo1,Sarmento Bruno José Queiroz2,Loureiro Janina Ferreira3,Petruzziello Andrea4,Lopes Ademar5,Santos Cassio Cortez6,Quadros Cláudio de Almeida7,Akaishi Eduardo Hiroshi8,Cordeiro Eduardo Zanella9,Coimbra Felipe José Fernández5,Laporte Gustavo Andreazza10,Castro Leonaldson Santos11,Batista Ranyell Matheus Spencer Sobreira5,Aguiar Júnior Samuel5,Costa Júnior Wilson Luiz5,Ferreira Fábio Oliveira5


1. Medicina Integral Professor Fernando Figueira Institute, Brazil; University of Pernambuco, Brazil

2. Hospital de Base of the Federal District, Brazil

3. Complexo Hospitalar de Niterói, Brazil

4. Marcelino Champagnat Hospital, Brazil; AC Camargo Cancer Center, Brazil

5. AC Camargo Cancer Center, Brazil

6. Hospital Geral de Fortaleza, Brazil

7. São Rafael Hospital, Brazil

8. University of São Paulo, Brazil

9. Hospital de Caridade, Brazil

10. Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre, Brazil

11. Complexo Hospitalar de Niterói, Brazil; Nacional Cancer Institute, Brazil


ABSTRACT Cytoreductive surgery plus hypertermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy has emerged as a major comprehensive treatment of peritoneal malignancies and is currently the standard of care for appendiceal epithelial neoplasms and pseudomyxoma peritonei syndrome as well as malignant peritoneal mesothelioma. Unfortunately, there are some worldwide variations of the cytoreductive surgery and hypertermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy techniques since no single technique has so far demonstrated its superiority over the others. Therefore, standardization of practices might enhance better comparisons between outcomes. In these settings, the Brazilian Society of Surgical Oncology considered it important to present a proposal for standardizing cytoreductive surgery plus hypertermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy procedures in Brazil, with a special focus on producing homogeneous data for the developing Brazilian register for peritoneal surface malignancies.












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