
Laura rebegea1,2,3, Mariana bujenita3, iuLiana ivan3, MihaeLa CraesCu1,4, DoreL FiresCu5,6, aureLia roMiLa2,7, MihaeLa DuMitru1, Cristina serban5,6


1“Sf. Ap. Andrei” Emergency Clinical Hospital Galati, Radiotherapy Department - 2“Dunarea de Jos” University Galati, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Medical Clinical Department - 3“Sf. Ap. Andrei” Emergency Clinical Hospital Galati, Medical Oncology Department - 4“Dunarea de Jos” Galati University, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Morphological and Functional Sciences De- partment - 5“Sf. Ap. Andrei” Emergency Clinical Hospital Galati, IInd Surgery Clinic - 6“Dunarea de Jos” Galati University, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Surgical Clinical Department - 7”Sf. Ap. Andrei” Emergency Clinical Hospital, Galati, Romania, Geriatric Department


Introduction: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common neoplasms worldwide, with progressive incidence on age, predominantly on male, and the third cause of cancer related death.

Materials and Methods: The study is retrospective and analyzes 33 patients with unresectable HCC, treated with Sorafenib, at the Emergency Clinical Hospital "Sf. Ap. Andrei" Galati during the period 2012-2017. Inclusion criteria: unresectable advanced HCC without Transarterial Chemoembolization (TACE), TACE-resistant or TACE-progression illness, Child-Pugh score A (CPA) or Child-Pugh score B (CPB); IP = 0-1, signing informed consent.

Results: Median age was 67 years (range 38-84 years), 78.79% of cases were male, 42.42% of patients presented CPA score; Hepatic C Virus (HCV) infection was proven in 51.52% of cases and tumor less than 5 cm had 54.54% of cases. Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) values 500 ng/ml were recorded in 33.33% of cases, and 66.66% of patients were treated with Sorafenib >48 weeks. The most commonly adverse reactions were: fatigue, hand-foot syndrome, anemia and diarrhea, respectively in 90.91%, 84.85%, 66.67% and 51.51%. Overall survival (OS) was 36%, median of 11 months (3-27 months). Correlation analysis showed OS significantly higher in patients with cutaneous toxicity (p =0.004) and CPA score (p = 0.001).

Conclusions: HCC is one of the leading causes of cancer related death worldwide. In our study, the most common adverse reactions following Sorafenib were fatigue, hematological toxicities, anemia and diarrhea.


hepatocellular carcinoma, toxicity, overall survival

