Health in the system of value orientations, health-saving practices and professional activities of medical workers


Ramensky Pavel O.1,Smirnova Evgenia K.2ORCID


1. Research Institute of Healthcare Organization and Medical Management of the Moscow Healthcare Department, Russian Federation

2. FSSBI "N.A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health"


Introduction. The purpose of the work is to consider health as a social value of medical workers and to determine how much their own behavioral practices influence their professional activities. Materials and methods. The work was written using content analysis and secondary data analysis based on the results of studies published in Russian and foreign sources. Results. The study showed that the value orientations of medical professionals regarding health and a healthy lifestyle, as well as the conditions of professional activity and behavioral practices, are the determinants of the quality of medical care provided by medical professionals to their patients, including on healthy lifestyles, rejection of bad habits, physical activity and other health-saving practices. For citation: Ramensky PO, Smirnova EK. Health in the system of value orientations, health-saving practices and professional activities of medical workers // City Healthсare. 2022;3(4): 100–106 doi:10.47619/;100–106


Research Institute for Healthcare Organization and Medical Management


General Medicine

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