Advances in vaccine development and the immune response against toxoplasmosis in sheep and goats


Hasan Tanjila,Nishikawa Yoshifumi


Toxoplasmosis is a zoonotic, parasitic infection caused by the intracellular, apicomplexan parasiteToxoplasma gondii, which infects all homeothermic animals including humans. The parasite has a major economic impact on the livestock industry. This is especially true for small ruminants (sheep, goats) as it is one of the most likely reasons for reproductive disorders in these animals. Primary infection in sheep and goats can result in a fetus that is mummified or macerated, fetal embryonic death, abortion, stillbirth, or the postnatal death of neonates, all of which threaten sheep and goat rearing globally. Humans can also become infected by ingesting bradyzoite-containing chevon or mutton, or the contaminated milk of sheep or goats, highlighting the zoonotic significance of this parasite. This article reviews the advances in vaccine development over recent decades and our current understanding of the immune response to toxoplasmosis in small ruminants (sheep, and goats).


Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science


Frontiers Media SA


General Veterinary

Reference78 articles.

1. Toxoplasmosis of animals and humans;Dubey;Parasit Vectors,2010

2. Epidemiology of and diagnostic strategies for toxoplasmosis;Robert-Gangneux;Clin Microbiol Rev.,2012

3. Toxoplasmosis-an overview;Dubey;Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health,1991

4. Toxoplasmosis;Montoya;Lancet.,2004

5. Toxoplasma gondii: epidemiology, feline clinical aspects, and prevention

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