Systematic analysis of the necroptosis index in pan-cancer and classification in discriminating the prognosis and immunotherapy responses of 1716 glioma patients


Ma Shuai,Wang Fang,Liu Qingzhen,Geng Xiaoteng,Wang Zaibin,Yi Menglei,Jiang Fan,Zhang Dongtao,Cao Junzheng,Yan Xiuwei,Zhang Jiheng,Wang Nan,Zhang Heng,Peng Lulu,Liu Zhan,Hu Shaoshan,Tao Shengzhong


Necroptosis is a programmed form of necrotic cell death that serves as a host gatekeeper for defense against invasion by certain pathogens. Previous studies have uncovered the essential role of necroptosis in tumor progression and implied the potential for novel therapies targeting necroptosis. However, no comprehensive analysis of multi-omics data has been conducted to better understand the relationship between necroptosis and tumor. We developed the necroptosis index (NI) to uncover the effect of necroptosis in most cancers. NI not only correlated with clinical characteristics of multiple tumors, but also could influence drug sensitivity in glioma. Based on necroptosis-related differentially expressed genes, the consensus clustering was used to classify glioma patients into two NI subgroups. Then, we revealed NI subgroup I were more sensitive to immunotherapy, particularly anti-PD1 therapy. This new NI-based classification may have prospective predictive factors for prognosis and guide physicians in prioritizing immunotherapy for potential responders.


National Natural Science Foundation of China


Frontiers Media SA


Pharmacology (medical),Pharmacology

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